
Maldives is recognised at the UN for its leadership on key issues

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has highlighted that the Maldives is recognised at the United Nations (UN) as a country that takes on leadership roles in issues of importance to the nation. The statement was made by Joint Secretary of the Foreign Ministry Mariyam Midhfa Naeem during a special coverage by Public Service Media (PSM).

Speaking to PSM News, Midhfa emphasised that the Maldives consistently steps up to lead at the UN, She, however, said that that its path to membership was not without challenges. She recalled that many countries had initially questioned the capacity of the Maldives to meet its obligations as a UN member.

Additionally, Midhfa pointed out that during the Maldives’ journey to UN membership, the nation faced economic hardships and was ranked among the 10 least developed countries. Despite these challenges, she said that the Maldives reinvigorated its role at the UN. She also said that the Maldives became an active voice, particularly on climate change.

This year marks the 59th anniversary of the Maldives' UN membership. Over the years, the country has raised significant issues at the UN. Following the November 3, 1988 attack on the Maldives, it submitted a resolution urging the UN to provide assistance to small nations to defend themselves against aggression. The resolution remained in the UN Security Council (UNSC) for three years before it was passed.

Furthermore, Midhfa noted that when Iraq invaded Kuwait, the UN halted the war using a resolution submitted by the Maldives. She also stressed that the Maldives' contributions to the UN are not defined by its size, but by the significant role it plays.

Highlighting further achievements, Midhfa noted that the Maldives had successfully introduced a resolution to celebrate Women in Diplomacy Day, which was co-sponsored by 191 of the 193 UN member states. She described this as evidence of the global acceptance of the Maldives' initiatives. In addition, the Maldives has secured a seat on the Human Rights Council three times and held the presidency of the UN General Assembly (UNGA).